Planning Board

Chair – Deputy Mayor, Councilor Nancy MacKinnon,
Committee Members – Charity Sheehan, Norman Boswall, Raena Parent, Dolores Watts, Ricky Clow and Mayor Gerard Watts

The Official Plan is available on the Bylaws page

Special Committee for the Official Plan and Land Use Bylaw Update (This Committee dissolved Aug 18, 2020)

To assist Planning Board in the early stages the Special Committee was created to work with the consultant. The Committee was dissolved by Council when their mandate was completed and members that chose to stay on were appointed to Planning Board for the completion of the Official Plan and Landuse Bylaw Update. Below are overviews from those public meetings with the consultant.

Chair – Councillor Peter Vriends
Committee Members​ – Mayor Gerard Watts, Valerie Payn, Janet Ellis, Joe Doran, and Delores Watts
Consultant– DV8 Consulting Hope Parnham